5-times continuous ultra-triathlon (Estonia, 2016)
5-times continuous ultra-triathlon: swim 19 km, bike 900 km and run 211 km.
Date and place: June 10 - June 14, 2016, Estonia.
- Swimming - 760 x 25 meters in the inside pool of Impuls Sports Club Tartu.
- Bike - the bike was originally planned as one big loop all over Estonia. Unfortunately, extremely difficult weather conditions - two days of uninterrupted rain and an air temperature of 6.5 degrees - forced me to move indoors after 247 km. Indoors, I drove the remaining 653 km on the calibrated bike. Riding a bike on a bicycle stand is physically and mentally much more difficult than doing it outdoors. I hadn't prepeared to bike inside. That's why I spent way more time on biking than I originally planned.
Run - took place on gravel and asphalt roads near my home (Tartu municipality, Vahi village).
The result: it took me 110:09:07 for 19 km of swimming, 900 km of cycling and 211 km of running. Time started from the beginning of swim and stopped after 211 km run. This was my first self-organized challenge. In ultra-triathlon, the experience is most important. For comparison, in 2019, it took me 72:55:29 (see here) to cover the same distances during the IUTA race in Austria. It was the second best time in the world at the time.
The team - the size of the team that helps me every day was about 10 people, but at least the other one came to offer me the same company while cycling and running. At least as much came to offer me company while cycling and running.
Video summary: 5-kordse katkematu ultratriatloni kokkuvõte
See more (it is in Estonian):
- Eesti ultratriatlon: 19 km ujumist = 760 otsa 25-meetrises basseinis
- Eesti ultratriatlon (8): jooks, mis ei unune kunagi
- Eesti ultratriatlon (7): 84 erinevat toiduartiklit 110 tunni jooksul
- Eesti ultratriatlon (6): kuidas kajastus 4,5 päeva ühtejutti sportimist verepildis?
- Eesti ultratriatlon (5): 110 tundi sportimist = tavainimese 24 päeva energiakulu
- Eesti ultratriatlon (4): 900 km ratast ekstreemsetes oludes
- Eesti ultratriatlon (3): ebaõige ettevalmistus ujumiseks võib rikkuda rattasõidu
- Eesti ultratriatlon (2): meediakajastus, mille sarnast ei osanud uneski näha
- Eesti ultratriatlon (1): võimsus- ja taluvusnäitajad ei allu loogikareeglitele
- Eesti ultratriatlon: 211 km jooksu ekstreemses konditsioonis
- Eesti ultratriatlon: 900 km rattasõitu mööda kodumaad
- Eesti ultratriatlon: 19 km ujumist = 760 otsa 25-meetrises basseinis