20-times ultra-triathlon in 20 consecutive days (Fuerteventura, 2018)

20-times ultra-triathlon: 20 consecutive days x (swim 3.8 km + bike 180 km + run 42.2 km).

Date and place: September 23 - October 12, 2019, Canary Islands (Fuerteventura).

About the course - I went through the same route every day. This gave me a good opportunity to compare the data later (heart rate, speed, ascent, times spent swimming, cycling, running and overall finishing times).

Photo: bike and run course
  • Swimming - 76 x 50 meters in the pool. Swimming started every day at 8.00

  • Bike - one 180 km loop on the island of Fuerteventura (in open traffic). The mountainous profile of Fuerteventura made cycling difficult. According to my Garmin watch, I took 2,300 meters of ascent every day. Figuratively speakingIn, in 20 days, I crossed the 5 Mount Everest Mountains by bike.However the biggest factor influencing the bike rides was wind. Fuerteventura's name has been regarded as a reference to the strong winds.

  • Run - the start of the running marathon was at noon, when the heat had reached its peak. The run took place on a 2.9 km lap, which I covered 14.5 times. There were 434 ascent meters per marathon every day.

Results: It took me a total of 238:52:34 to complete 20 full-length triathlons (the fastest time in the world). NB! In the 40-times ultratriathlon I was faster than this result in both the first and the last 20 days :).

Meeskond - 20 päeva jooksul käis mind abistamas 14 inimest, kes igapäevaselt hoolitsesid selle eest, et ma saaksin keskenduda sportimisele. Meeskonna ülesandeks oli varustuse komplekteerimine ja valmis panemine, basseinipikkuste lugemine, sportimise ajal söögi, joogi, riiete ja muu vajaliku varustuse andmine, autoga rattarajal ning rattaga jooksurajal mu saatmine, ajavõtt jne. Samuti katsumuse kajastamine sotsiaalmeedias, et Eestis olevad kaasaelajad oleksid kursis, kuidas mul läheb ja mis põnevat rajal ja raja ääres parasjagu toimub.

Budget: 17 000 euros

Video of crossing the finish line: 20-kordse ultratriatloni finiš Playitases

See statistics here:
20-kordne ultratriatlon alade lõikes numbrites